Instructor: Patty Marty
23 min

Altair 2 and Meridian 2 Creative Yarn Couching

Patty shows how to stitch out built-in designs and demonstrates creative ideas to use designs for a needle punch look on the Altair 2 & Meridian 2 machines.


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5.0 (5 reviews)
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You're reviewing:Altair 2 and Meridian 2 Creative Yarn Couching
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  • 5 Item(s)
  1. 100%
    Creative Yarn Couching

    Very informative video. I was hesitant to try yarn couching, but now I'm ready to give it a try. Thank you!
  2. 100%
    Altair couching

    Good class. Really simple to follow. Lots of good info.
  3. 100%
    Great tutorial

    I enjoyed watching this video. She explained everything so thoroughly and I can hardly wait to start creating my own designs. Excited to see how couching will work on towels! Thanks!
  4. 100%
    Yarn Couching

    Wow I was quite intimidated by this and now I think I will try it. I am so grateful to have these classes. They help me so much.
  5. 100%
    Couching Video

    Great instructions. I followed along and my test piece came out beautiful.
  • 5 Item(s)