Jul 24, 2018

Colorful Fabric Shoelaces

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If you’re looking for a fun quick and easy beginning sewing project try these shoelaces! They are a great way to transform any ordinary pair of sneakers into something extraordinary. Plus making these laces will help you learn to sew straight on your new Baby Lock Accomplish. Download printable instructions


  • 1/2 Yard of a colorful cotton print fabric
  • Madeira® Cotona thread for sewing
  • Mary Ellen’s Best Press Clear Starch Alternative
  • Basic sewing supplies


  • Baby Lock Accomplish sewing machine


  1. From the colorful print fabric cut two strips across the width of the grain of the fabric 1 ¼” wide.

  2. Fold the strips in half lengthwise with line the raw edges even and press. This will create a crease down the center.

  3. Fold both of the raw edges to the center crease line and press. Spray the section with Best Press spray starch to hold the crease better.

  4. Set the machine up for sewing. Thread the machine with a contrasting thread color in the bobbin and on the top.

  5. Place the needle to the right side position. Adjust the stitch length to 2.5mm.

  6. Place the long strip under the needle so that the edge of the foot is even with the right edge of the long strip.

  7. Sew along the edge of the strip.

  8. Repeat for the opposite edge of the strip.

  9. Then repeat for the second strip.

  10. Thread the shoes with the laces and tie a bow.

  11. Cut away the ends to remove the excess shoe lace.

  12. Tie a knot at the end of each of laces.

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