With so many 18″ dolls delivered under the Christmas tree this year why not make doll-sized customized pajamas to match? Use MasterWorks Lite to create the personalized embroidery. Download printable instructions.
- 18″ Doll
- Pink flannel
- Trim
- Simplicity pattern #4347 for 18″ dolls or similar pattern
- Madeira cotton soft tear-away stabilizer
- Madeira sewing and embroidery thread
- General sewing and embroidery supplies
- Baby Lock sewing and embroidery machine
- MasterWorks Lite from Designer’s Gallery®
Open the program by clicking on the MasterWorks Lite icon on the desktop.
To place the hoop on the workspace click on menu View and click on Select Hoop. Select the 130mm x 180mm hoop. Click OK.
To create the lettering for the pajama top activate the lettering tool click on the down arrow next to the Text tool on the left toolbar.
Click on Circle text and left click anywhere on the workspace.
In the Properties Field located in the bottom right side of the workspace highlight MY TEXT in the Upper field and click on the Delete key on the keyboard
In the lower field type "SWEET DREAMS."
To select the font click on the down arrow next to the Font field and choose the Children font.
Change the height to 12.0.
Change the width to 116.3.
Click Apply.
To adjust the radius of the circle click on the Blue Circle when the tool becomes a Rotate tool.
The Radius will be displayed on the status bar located below the workspace. Move the tool upward to adjust the radius to approximately 140mm.
To adjust space between the letters click on any of the Blue Diamonds and move either to the right or to the left.
All letters to the right of the diamond will move together.
Tip: if adjusting the spacing start with the first letter on the left side of the workspace first while working towards the right.
To print out a template click on the Print icon on the top toolbar. Set it aside for now. This will help to place the design.
To save the design click on File Save As and save as a Working File format (.blf).
Then save as a .pes file to the media device that your embroidery machine will read.
To create the next two designs that will be placed on the pajama bottoms follow the next steps:
Click on New to open a new workspace page.
Click on the Text icon on the side toolbar.
Left click any where on the workspace.
With the Properties open type in the word “Sweet”
In the Height field change the height to 15mm.
Click on Apply. (This design will be placed on the right front leg.)
Click on New to open a new workspace page.
Click on the Text icon on the side toolbar.
Left click anywhere on the workspace.
In the Properties field type in the word “Dreams”
In the Height field change the height to 15mm.
Click on Apply. (This design will be placed on the bottom left leg.)
To print out a template for both designs click on the Print icon on the top toolbar.
To save the designs click on File Save As and save as a Working File format (.blf).
Then save as a .pes file to the media device that your embroidery machine will read.
At the Cutting Table:
Follow the pattern directions for the pajamas view F.
Cut out all of the pieces.
Before you assemble the sections together pin the “Sweet Dreams” template to the center front of the pajama top.
At the Embroidery Machine:
Hoop the stabilizer and spray with the temporary spray adhesive.
Place the templated pajama on top of the hooped stabilizer being careful to line the cross lines on the template with the marks on the sides of the hoop.
Finger press in place.
With the design merged onto the embroidery machine’s workspace line the needle up with the center cross marks on the template. Remove the template.
Embroider the design using the thread color of your choice.
Pin the remaining two templates to the bottom of the leg front.
At the sewing machine follow the directions given with the pattern to finish the outfit.