Instructor: Mike Johns

Altair 2 and Meridian 2 Magnetic Hoops

Mike Johns discusses the 7x12" magnetic hoop for your Altair 2 & Meridian 2 embroidery machines. 


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5.0 (3 reviews)
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You're reviewing:Altair 2 and Meridian 2 Magnetic Hoops
Your Rating
  • 3 Item(s)
  1. 100%

    Great job
  2. 100%
    Easy hooping

    This looks so much easier than trying to not stretch material but make it taut in the hoop. Easy to follow instructions.
  3. 100%
    my new magnetice hoop

    I wish I would have watched this when I first got my upgrade. I threw away the cardboard pieces and I think I should have kept them.
  • 3 Item(s)