Instructor: Chris Tryon
14:47 min

Getting To Know Your Baby Lock Applaud

Before you start serging, get to know all the new features of the Baby Lock Applaud with Chris Tryon.


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5.0 (5 reviews)
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  • 5 Item(s)
  1. 100%
    Getting to know video

    Chris - that was very informative.
  2. 100%
    Getting to know

    Love this video - clear and concise. Nice job Chris!
  3. 100%
    Great Intro Video

    Chris always explains everything so clearly & thoroughly.
  4. 100%
    Starter Class

    Great explanation of all parts of the machine!
  5. 100%

    If you've ever used a cover stitch machine before (and even if you haven't), this class is informative, easy to understand, logical and the teacher makes you feel like YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • 5 Item(s)
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