Create this fun hexagon table runner using a serger. Quilting on a serger is amazing, but add the new Creative Cover and Chain Stitches from the Baby Lock Applaud and take it to the next level of cuteness! Whether using decorative threads in the wipers or couching yarns with the aid of the needle position key, you will be adding amazing texture to all your projects.
Finished Size – 29” X 24”
Click HERE to download printable instructions with additional photos. Click HERE to download the Center Crazy Patch Block Template.
Project Created With:
- 1-5” x 5” Center crazy patch block
- 6-2 ½” x 42” variety prints
- 3-2 ½” x 42 for outer border
- 3-2 ½” x 42” for binding
- 1-29” x 24” for backing
- 1-29” x 24” Fusible Fleece
- 1-Skein Bernat Maker Home Dec Yarn
- 4 Spools Madeira serger thread
- 3 Spools matching Madeira serger thread
- 2 Spools Madeira Decora #12 thread, Color 2092
- 1 Spool Aerofil Thread for sewing machine
- 1 Spool fusible thread
- Fabric marker
- Knee Lifter
- Tweezers
- Bamboo Stiletto
- Spray Adhesive
- Small Crochet Hook
- Sewing needle
Please note that the Home Dec Yarn was weaved under the stitch. It was NOT threaded through the wipers.
1. Cut your center block from the template.
2. Set your Triumph up for a 3-Thread Overlock Narrow.
3. You will be building a crazy patch block by adding a 2 ½” strip to the sides of the center block. Start by sewing a strip to one side of the block. It won’t matter what side you start on. Press the seam to the strip. Trim off the ends of the strip even with the center block.
4. Set your Applaud up for a Center Needle Chain Stitch and the Decora Thread in the Wipers and the length at 4. Set your needle to end in the Down position.
5. We will now start weaving the yarn under the needles and catching it with the wiper threads. With your block facing up, take one stitch on the seam. Use your knee lifter to raise the foot. Place the yarn against the needle with a 1” tail to the left.
6. Take two stitches. Lift your foot with the knee lifter. Move the yarn to the left.
7. Take two stitches. Lift your foot with the knee lifter. Move the yarn to the right.
8. Repeat this process of lifting the foot and moving the yarn from one side to the other, taking two stitches in between. This will create a rickrack look with the yarn. Continue to the end of the seam, leaving a 1” tail at the end.
9. Add a 2 ½” strip to another side. Repeating the process of sewing with your Triumph, pressing, trimming, and embellishing with your Applaud.
10. Continue with this process until you have added three rows around your center block.
11. Sew the border strips around the block in the same manner, except you will be using the same fabric on all sides. Set aside.
12. Using the Spray Adhesive, fuse the wrong side of the backing to the non-fusible side of the fleece.
13. Quilt the backing using the Serpentine stitch on your sewing machine in diagonal lines about 2” apart.
14. Place the backing with the fusible side against the wrong side of the front. Press from the back to fuse, as to not melt the yarn & thread on the front.
15. Trim the backing even with the front.
16. Mark a line 1 ¼” from the outside edge along all edges of the border.
17. Cut two 200” lengths of yarn to create trim on the border. Mark it at 100”.
18. On your Applaud, lift your needle and loosen your threads. Slide the border under the needle. Take a few stitches on the line you drew. Leave the needle in down position.
19. Place both yarns on the 100” mark against the needle. Take three stitches.