Please verify your product registration below. Once you click Verify, your folder containing the Visionary Stitches digital book, embroidery design files, and more will automatically download in your Internet browser. Please check your Downloads Folder if you do not see the file download at the bottom of your browser.
Please verify your product purchase by filling out the form below. Then please submit a copy of your receipt to to receive your designs.
Once you complete the Verification Request steps, please allow 48 hours and you will receive instructions to download the designs through an email.
NOTE: This form is NOT for machine registration
If you need to register your machine, please click HERE.
Visionary Stitches is for owners of the Solaris Vision with the promotional bundle order.
Please verify your Solaris Vision purchase by filling out the form below. Not valid for any other machine.
Once you click the Submit Verification Request button, please allow 48 hours and you will receive instructions to download the designs through an email.