Monica Van Zuiden
Monica’s love of sewing started when she was a young girl, making clothing of her own to wear and eventually progressed to sewing for a family of her own. Once the children were clothed, she turned her machine and attention to sewing for her home, making curtains for windows and creating custom home décor items to personalize her space. After getting involved in her local quilting community in 1989 she “never looked back”! Monica embraced machine finished quilt tops because she felt challenged by hand quilting and become very proficient even before stitch regulation was available! She ran a machine quilting business for many years before she purchased her first home embroidery machine and discovered her next love! Monica loves breaking the rules and finding how her creations can be unique and personal to her. Her greatest love today is sharing the joys of sewing and empowering others to reach their full potential with sewing as well. Today she gets her greatest satisfaction when she hears her students say that they “didn’t know I could do that”!