Oct 30, 2024

Sweetie Pie Bunting

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The holiday season is filled with good friends, family, and food! No meal would be complete without a piece of pie! Create this fun pennant to replicate pie 
slices all using IQ Designer! What a cute decoration to add to your next gathering!


Click HERE to download printable instructions with additional photos.


  • Baby Lock Altair 1 or 2, Meridian 1 or 2, Solaris 1, 2, 3 or Solaris Vision, Radiance
  • Hoop: 5” x 7”
  • Fabric:
    • Cotton scraps ranging from 2” x 6 ½” – 6 ½” x 7 ½”. Pick appropriate colors for the pie filling and crust.
    • Cotton fabric: cut the same size triangle - this will be the backing fabric that will cover up the underside embroidery stitching
  • Baby Lock Stick Tear, Tear Away Stabilizer
  • Baby Lock Cut-Away Fusible Applique Stabilizer
  • Premade canvas or burlap triangle shaped bunting (sample triangles are 5 ½ x 7 found on Amazon)
  • Coordinating Embroidery thread; bobbin thread
  • Embroidery Foot
  • Other supplies: 75 embroidery needle, applique scissors, embroidery tape, etc.
  • OPTIONAL: Design Suites Holiday Collection #1


Basic IQ Instructions & Embroidery:

Prep for all designs: Fuse Baby Lock Cut-Away Fusible Applique Stabilizer to the Wrong Side of all applique pieces and background pieces.

Hooping: Hoop 5” x7” with Baby Lock Stick Tear, Tear Away Stabilizer with shiny side up. Remove top layer to reveal the sticky tear away. Center the Triangle in the hoop.

Pro Tip: Use the many useful positioning tools to help center the design. Solaris: Scan feature, trace feature; Altair/ Meridian IQ Positioning App, trace feature.

  • Select the IQ Icon from the Home screen
  • Select the Settings key, select Frame Size, select 5” x 7”, OK.

IQ Pie Shape:

Step 1:

  1. Select Shapes key, select triangle shape, OK. Select size, change size to 45” x 5.25”, OK. TIP: If the red box is not around the flower tap the back arrow, this will reselect the flower.
  2. Select Rotate to rotate the design so that the tip of the triangle is facing down.
  3. Select Memory, save to machine.
  4. Select Shapes key, select the third tab, Open Shapes. Select shape #3, wiggle line.
  5. Select Size, change size to 04” x .68. OK. Move wiggle line just inside of the top portion of the triangle with the humps just outside of the top of the triangle. 
  6. Select Duplicate Center the design under the first wiggle line. Select Size, change size to 6.40 x .68. OK. Select Rotate and 90°. OK. Using the Move key adjust the width between the two lines to your liking. 

Pro tip: Turn on the grid in the Settings to help with lining lines up and use the Zoom key to see a better view of the design.

  1. Select the Erase key, select the square and zoom in and erase any intersecting lines between the pie body and the crust. 
  2. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color green, OK.
  3. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the triangle.
  4. Select Memory, save to machine.

Creating Crust and Pie Filling Applique:

  • Select the IQ Icon from the Home screen.

Step 2:

  1. Select Recall key, recall the pie shape.
  2. Select the Erase key, select the square and erase the top part of the crust. We will call this the Applique Pie Piece for future reference. 
  3. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color blue, OK.
  4. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the triangle.
  5. Select Memory, save to machine.
  • Select the Home Icon in top right-hand corner of screen. Select the IQ Icon from the Home screen.
  1. Select Recall key, recall the pie shape.
  2. Select the Erase key, select the square and erase the triangle part of design. We will call this the Applique Crust Piece for future reference. 
  3. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color purple, OK.
  4. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the triangle.
  5. Select Memory, save to machine.

Creating the pies for embroidery:

Crisscross Pie Crust

  • Select the IQ Icon from the Home screen.
  1. Select Recall key and recall the pie shape made in Step 1. OK.
  2. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color green, OK.
  3. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the shape.
  4. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

You will now be in the embroidery side of the machine.

  1. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  2. Select the Recall key, recall the Applique Pie Piece. OK.
  3. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color blue, OK.
  4. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the pie piece.
  5. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

You will now be in the embroidery side of the machine.

  1. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  2. Select the Recall key, recall the Applique Crust Piece. OK.
  3. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color purple,
  4. Select the Line Properties Cup in the properties box. Tap the pie piece.
  5. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

You will now be in the embroidery side of the machine.

  1. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  2. Select the Recall Key, recall the Applique Pie Piece.
  3. Select Line Properties, select the Line- Straight Line key, select the Running Stitch. Select color brown, OK.

Pro Tip: For the next step you can turn on the 1” grid in the Settings.

  1. Starting at the top “draw” a line diagonally across pie piece. “Draw” another about 1” away from it. For the sample, I created two crust strips going from right to left. Repeat the process starting at the left side. For the sample, I created three crust strips going from left to right. You will have multiple lines crossing at this point. Select the Eraser key and erase any overlapping lines.
  2. Select Memory, save to machine.
  3. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

You will now be in the embroidery side of the machine.

  1. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  2. Select Recall, recall the pie strip piece. Select Recall, recall the crust.
  3. You should have both the crisscross crust and crust on the screen together. Save to Memory.
  4. Select Region Fill Properties key, select fill of choice for the pie crust. Select the color brown. OK.
  5. Select the Region Fill Cup in the Fill Properties box. Tap the inside the crust and crisscross strips.
  6. Select Region Fill Properties key, select fill of choice for the pie filling. Select the color blue. OK.
  7. Select the Region Fill Cup in the Fill Properties box. Tap the inside the rest of the areas.
  8. Select Make sure the Outline is turned ON. Adjust the size of the fills to your liking.

Pro Tip: Use the Chain Icon to connect the like items to change the size all together.

Use Random Shift and Position Offset to change the look of the fills.

  1. Solaris: Select Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Preview, OK, Set, OK.

  1. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  2. Recall the crisscross crust and crust combo design (the last design saved).
  3. Select Line Properties, select the Zig Zag Stitch. Select color orange, OK.
  4. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the pie piece.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Select the Line Sew- Zig Zag Density Chang length to 0.120.
  7. Solaris: Select Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Preview, OK, Set, OK.

  1. You are now on the Embroidery side of the machine.

Color 1: Pie Tack down. After color 1, lay filling applique piece over the large V placement stitch.

Color 2: Filling tack down. After color 2, closely trim fabric outside the stitch line. (Use a small iron to fuse the applique piece at this point. It is important to remove the hoop from the machine when doing this, leave the project in the hoop.) Lay the crust applique fabric over the top crust placement stitch.

Color 3: Top crust tack down. After color 3, closely trim fabric outside the stitch line. (Use a small iron to fuse the applique piece at this point. It is important to remove the hoop from the machine when doing this, leave the project in the hoop.) Lay the crisscross crust fabric over the large V placement stitch.

Color 4: Crisscross crust tack down. After color 4, closely trim fabric outside the stitch line. (Use a small iron to fuse the applique piece at this point. It is important to remove the hoop from the machine when doing this, leave the project in the hoop.)

Colors 5 & 6: Fills for filling and crust.

Color 7: Zig Zag stitching.


Peek A Boo Pie Crust

  • Select the IQ Icon from the Home screen
  1. Select Recall key and recall the pie shape made in Step 1. OK.
  2. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color green,
  3. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the shape.
  4. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

  1. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  2. Select the Recall key, recall the Applique Pie Piece. OK.
  3. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color blue,
  4. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the pie piece.
  5. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

You will now be in the embroidery side of the machine.

  1. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  2. Select the Recall key, recall the Applique Crust Piece. OK.
  3. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color purple,
  4. Select the Line Properties Cup in the properties box. Tap the pie piece.
  5. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

You will now be in the embroidery side of the machine.

  1. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  2. Select Recall key and recall the pie shape made in Step 1. OK.
  3. Select Line Properties, select the No Sew. OK.
  4. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the pie piece.
  5. Select Shapes key, select the second tab, Closed Shapes. Select shape #8.
  6. Select Size Change the size to .87” x 1.56”. OK. Move the same under the top crust.
  7. Select the Duplicate Center the design under the first design. Select Rotate and rotate 90°. OK.
  8. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color pink, (We will call this the Peek A Boo applique shape).
  9. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap all parts of the shape.
  10. Save to Memory.
  11. Select Region Fill Properties key, select fill of choice for the pie crust. Select the color brown. OK.
  12. Select the Region Fill Cup in the Fill Properties box. Tap the inside both crusts.
  13. Select Make sure the Outline is turned ON. Adjust the size of the fills to your liking.
  14. Solaris: Select Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Preview, OK, Set, OK.

  1. Select Recall key and recall the previously saved design. OK.
  2. Select Line Properties, select the No Sew. OK.
  3. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the pie piece.
  4. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color green,
  5. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the Peek A Boo applique shape.
  6. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

  1. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  2. Select Recall key and recall the previously made shape. OK.
  3. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the pie piece.
  4. Select Line Properties, select the Zig Zag Stitch. Select color orange,
  5. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap all the pieces of the design.
  6. Select Make sure the Outline is turned ON. Adjust the size of the fills to your liking.
  7. Select the Line Sew- Zig Zag Density Chang length to 0.120.
  8. Solaris: Select Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Preview, OK, Set, OK.

  1. You are now on the Embroidery side of the machine.


Color 1: Pie Tack down. After color 1, lay crust applique piece over the large V placement stitch.

Color 2: Crust tack down. After color 2, closely trim fabric outside the stitch line. (Use a small iron to fuse the applique piece at this point. It is important to remove the hoop from the machine when doing this, leave the project in the hoop.) Lay the crust applique fabric over the top crust placement stitch.

Color 3: Top crust tack down. After color 3, closely trim fabric outside the stitch line. (Use a small iron to fuse the applique piece at this point. It is important to remove the hoop from the machine when doing this, leave the project in the hoop.)

Color 4: Fills for crusts. After color 4, lay the peek a boo applique fabric over the placement stitch.

Colors 5: Peek a Boo tack down stitch. After color 5, closely trim fabric outside the stitch line. (Use a small iron to fuse the applique piece at this point. It is important to remove the hoop from the machine when doing this, leave the project in the hoop.)

Color 7: Zig Zag stitching.


Pie with Whipped Cream

  • Select the IQ Icon from the Home screen
  1. Select Recall key and recall the pie shape made in Step 1. OK.
  2. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color green, OK.
  3. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the shape.
  4. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

You will now be in the embroidery side of the machine.

  1. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  2. Select the Recall key, recall the Applique Pie Piece. OK.
  3. Select Line Properties, select the Running Stitch. Select color blue, OK.
  4. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the pie piece.
  5. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

  1. You will now be in the embroidery side of the machine.
  2. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  3. Select Recall key and recall the pie shape made in Step 1. OK.
  4. Select Line Properties, select the No Sew. OK.
  5. Select the Line Fill Cup in the properties box. Tap the pie piece.
  6. Select Region Fill Properties key, select fill of choice for the pie crust. Select the color brown. OK.
  7. Select the Region Fill Cup in the Fill Properties box. Tap the inside crust.
  8. Select Region Fill Properties key, select fill of choice for the pie filling. Select the pink. OK.
  9. Select the Region Fill Cup in the Fill Properties box. Tap the inside pie filling.
  10. Select Make sure the Outline is turned ON. Adjust the size of the fills to your liking.
  11. Solaris: Select Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Preview, OK, Set, OK.

  1. You will now be in the embroidery side of the machine.
  2. Select ADD, IQ Designer.
  3. Select Recall key and recall the pie shape made in Step 1. OK.
  4. Select
  5. Select Shapes key, select the third tab, Open Shapes. Select shape #13.
  6. Select Size Change the size to 1.35” x 1.35”. OK. Move the same under the top crust.
  7. Solaris: Select Next, Set, OK.

Altair/ Meridian: Select Next, Preview, OK, Set, OK.

  1. You will now be in the embroidery side of the machine.


Color 1: Pie Tack down. After color 1, lay crust applique piece over the large V placement stitch.

Color 2: Crust tack down. After color 2, closely trim fabric outside the stitch line. (Use a small iron to fuse the applique piece at this point. It is important to remove the hoop from the machine when doing this, leave the project in the hoop.) Lay the crust applique fabric over the top crust placement stitch.

Color 3: Top crust tack down. After color 3, closely trim fabric outside the stitch line. (Use a small iron to fuse the applique piece at this point. It is important to remove the hoop from the machine when doing this, leave the project in the hoop.)

Color 4: Fills for crusts.

Colors 5: Whipped Cream zig zag.

Color 7: Zig Zag stitching.


Finishing up:

  • After embroidery is complete, remove the design from the hoop.
  • Trace the triangle on the background fabric. Cut out and fuse to the back of the triangles to cover the backside stitching.
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