May 30, 2023
sewing, serger

The Boss Blazer

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Wrap up your style in this versatile unstructured blazer. Use your Baby Lock serger and the easy-to-follow Loren Jacket pattern from Style Arc Patterns to construct the jacket and finish the edges. Your Baby Lock sewing machine finishes the pockets and tops them off with top stitching. The perfect way to chase away chilly mornings or complete your casual outfit.



  • Baby Lock 4-Thread Serger
  • Baby Lock Sewing Machine
  • Loren Jacket Pattern-
  • Flannel or Lightweight Wool Fabric
  • Yardage based on the Pattern Instructions - 2.5-3 yards
  • Iron on Interfacing
  • Madeira Serger Thread
  • Madeira Sewing/Quilting Thread
  • Scissors Rotary Cutter Ruler
  • Wonder Clips and/or Pins
  • Iron and Iron Mat



  1. Cut out the pattern taking note of the grain lines maximum stretch and the notes written on the pattern pieces as this will assist you in the construction of the jacket.
  2. Choose a fusing for the facing that is suitable for the weight of your fabric.
  3. Note: For this project the pattern pieces were printed using a large format printer at a print shop. If not an option print on individual pages and tape together to create the pattern pieces.

Patch Pockets:

  1. Serge all four edges of the pocket pieces to prevent raveling using a 4-thread overlock.
  2. Fold the right side of the top of the pocket to the right side of the front of the pocket.
  3. Stitch down each side.
  4. Turn the pocket top out to the right side and press the three outer seams to the inside.
  5. Flip the pockets right side out and pin to the jacket from pieces at the pattern markings.

Jacket Assembly:

  1. Using the two front pattern pieces serge the center back collar seams together.
  2. Following the pattern instructions serge the back and front shoulder seams together.
  3. Clip into the corners of the back collar and shoulder seam as indicated on the pattern.
  4. Sew to attach the back Neck to the Neck Edge.
  5. Pin the sleeves to the armholes matching the notches.
  6. Machine baste the sleeves to the armholes. Place sleeves on the machine bed as you stitch so that the feed dogs will gather any excess fabric.
  7. After you are pleased with the sleeves and armholes matching perfectly serge the sleeves to the armholes keeping the sleeves on the machine bed.
  8. Serge across sleeve bottom to finish the raw edge in preparation for hemming.
  9. With right sides together use wonder clips to clip side seams beginning at sleeve raw edge and continuing to jacket bottom raw edge being certain that the underarm seams match.
  10. Using a 4-thread overlock seam serge side seams beginning at sleeve raw edge and continuing to jacket bottom raw edge being certain that the underarm seams match.
  11. Cut and Iron facing interfacing to back of each facing piece.
  12. Serge center back collar seams facing together.
  13. With the right sides together pin the outer edges of the facing to the jacket.
  14. Serge facing to front beginning at left hem line and serging all the around to the right hem line matching notches as you stitch.
  15. To finish the inside edge of the collar facing: • Serge finish the edge of the long front section. • Serge finish the short edge of the shoulder section. • Turn under press and stitch on sewing machine a very narrow hem.
  16. Turn the facing shoulder and neck seams under.
  17. Pin over neck and shoulder seams.
  18. Stitch on outside of jacket in neck and shoulder seamlines to secure.
  19. Hem the sleeves with your choice of either hand or machine hemming.
  20. Turn facings to outside of jacket.
  21. Stitch a one-inch seam across the bottom edge of the facing.
  22. Turn the right side out and stitch the one-inch hem by blind hem or machine hem.
  23. Press the jacket.
  24. Stitch down the outside seam of each pocket closest to jacket edge catching facing beneath and stitching the facing to the inside of the jacket at the jacket pocket

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