Instructor: 10739

Getting to Know Your Baby Lock Vesta - Sewing

Congratulations on the purchase of your Baby Lock Vesta Sewing and Embroidery machine! Follow along as instructor, Patty Marty walks you through the sewing features and capabilities of your machine from top to. Check out the "Getting to Know Your Baby Lock Vesta – Embroidery" class for more information on your machine’s embroidery features.

Video length: 82:51 minutes

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4.5 (2 reviews)
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  • 2 Item(s)
  1. 100%
    Well done

    Well done
  2. 80%
    The instructor went over all the steps for setting up the machine. In addition, she demonstrated how the thread the bobbin and the machine. She also went over the different feet and how to use them.

    The instructor was the easy to understand and covered everything that I needed to know and more. Great job.
  • 2 Item(s)
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