Instructor: Patty Marty
28 min

Introducing the Solaris Vision

You'll be inspired by all the new Solaris Visions features in this fun and engaging conversation with Patty & Mike as they discuss their favorite features along with all the amazing and infinite possibilities of this new machine!  

Video length: 28:11 minutes


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5.0 (4 reviews)
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  • 4 Item(s)
  1. 100%
    Great intro to the Vision

    I really appreciated being able to view and be informed about the Solaris Vision. It was really helpful to see the options that this incredible machine offers and to listen to Patty and Mike’s take on what they especially like on the machine. I am deciding to purchase this machine and this video helped me with that process. Thanks for the info!
  2. 100%
    Lots of Information

    Thank you so much for all the fun information. Your enthusiasm makes me want to try all the fun stuff on my new Solaris Vision. Looking forward to all the new projects!!
  3. 100%
    I was checking our the new Solaris Vision and this video was very helpful. I appreciate that I was allowed to view the video for free with an account set up. I am happy to have an account with Babylock too!

    I appreciated all the info given in this video and the highlights to the differences between the other machine/upgrades. it was very helpful and will most likely send me to purchase a machine with more info. Thanks for the helpful video.
  4. 100%
    Great Summary

    This video is a great summary of the special features that are available in the Salaris. I enjoyed seeing the examples of how the features can be used as well.
  • 4 Item(s)
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