Instructor: Linda Pacini
19 min

Stitching Buttonholes - Solaris Vision

Finishing off your sewing project with perfect buttonholes is easy with the Solaris Vision! 

Video length: 18:55 minutes


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5.0 (2 reviews)
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You're reviewing:Stitching Buttonholes - Solaris Vision
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  • 2 Item(s)
  1. 100%
    Buttons and buttonholes

    Patty did a great job of showing how to make and cut a buttonhole and stitch a button onto a garment. Thanks for the easy to understand class!
  2. 100%
    Good review of buttonholes

    Nice refresher course of the steps to make a buttonhole. I learned a few new tips, too.
  • 2 Item(s)
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