Instructor: Patty Marty
28 min

Yarn Couching - Solaris Vision

Set up your machine for yarn couching and join Patty using the Yarn categories for unlimited creativity in your Solaris Vision.

Video length: 29:09 minutes


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5.0 (2 reviews)
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  • 2 Item(s)
  1. 100%
    Thinking outside of the proverbial box!

    Excellent inspiration for the stuff you didn't think of in yarn couching! Patty does a great job of explaining how to set up for this special technique, but then she goes far beyond that when showing how to expand on what the machine can do with these built in designs! I wish I had half of her creativity and imagination! Love this class.
  2. 100%
    Yarn couching class

    This was such an informative class and I really appreciate Patty making the video and showing off some of her very creative projects. Thanks to Babylock and Patty for the info and the inspiration!
  • 2 Item(s)
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